This week’s musing asks…
Do you tend to read to the end of a chapter or can you stop anywhere?
I used to stop only when I got to the end of a chapter, but that's changed now. I guess since I am busier and must squeeze in reading time whenever I can, I have to be a bit more flexible. Now I try to at least finish the page before putting the book down. Doesn't always happen, either.
Reading is fun even in little snippets!! :-D
Life can make it difficult to read in peace, lol. Thanks for visiting :)
Thanks for visiting my blog! Happy reading!
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Jen (missbohemia)
If I have time then I always read to the end of a chapter if I am interrupted during reading however then I have no choice but to stop wherever I am.
I really like ending at a chapter or new section. I have a hard time stopping just anywhere. I wish I was more like you.
Ideally I'd like to read to the end of a chapter as well, but it's not always practical or possible. Thanks for visiting my blog earlier. Happy reading!
I usually stop at the end of a chapter and if that doesn't happen (which is rare) I stop at the end of a page. Here is my MM: A Great Escape
I can stop anywhere as well, because who knows what is going on in the house. However, I try and stop where I remember I left off. Top of one page or the other.
We pretty much think alike. I am a whatever kind of reader as far as having to stop at the end of the chapter. It is always nice if I can, but in the real world that isn't always possible.
thanks for stopping by :)
we do have similar answers! it doesn't always happen for me either. sometimes those pesky pages never give me a place to break.
hope you have a wonderful week!
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