This week’s musing asks…
If you come across an unfamiliar word, do you stop and look it up right away?
No. Unless it's something really crucial to the entire scene and I have no idea what it could be, I just keep reading and I can usually guess what the meaning is from the context.
Good answer. Pretty much how I answered it as well. Thanks for stopping by and happy reading.
I am pretty much the same as you. I will not look a word up. However if the word, as it sometimes does, bothers me I will then look it up ^_^
Thanks for stopping by!
Yeah mine is exactly the same ^_^
True. I can usually figure it out too by context. Thx for stopping by!
I am a word-hound and own dictionaries up the ying yang! Doesn't help that words are my bread and butter in that department but I LOVE it! I talk about it in MY MM
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