This week’s musing asks…
If you’re a mood reader, what (genre) do your moods usually call you to read?

I almost exclusively read fiction, so I will always grab something that will immerse me in its pages. If I've had a rough week or month, I'll pick up my go-to author for a little distraction: Stephen King. I get so invilved with his books that they have really become almost sacred in my house. If I'm reading a Stephen King, I'm probably feeling overwhelmed.

That's really interesting that you have one go-to author - I'm not sure I could ever be that specific!
you know, I have never read anything by King..but I went through a big Koontz phase once.
My fall back, go-to genre is mysteries...love them.
I used to read King until I read "The Stand" in HS and had nightmares for a long time. To this day, I can still visualize the images I created in my mind from that book.
Oh I don't have a go-to author! More like..I'll snatch up what's looking shiny from my TBR pile haha.
I used to read everything Stephen King wrote. Somewhere along the line I stopped.
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