When is the last time you read a history book? Historical biography? You know, something that took place in the past but was REAL.

The last one that I read, that really captivated me was The Band that Played On by Steve Turner. It was about the band in the Titanic, about their lives and how they came to be on board for that fateful voyage. I was drawn in by the minutia, the twists of destiny that made them accept the offer to work on the Titanic. Very interesting and it painted a vivid picture not only of these peoples' lives but also of the time period.
My review is here, if you're interested.
I saw this book just the other day when browsing NetGalley! The Titanic is a pet interest of mine, so I've been thinking about requesting this one. Did the book mention that White Star had the audacity to bill the band's family for their lost uniforms?
This sounds really good, heard of it before.
I've not read this one yet but it's going on my tbr list. The Titanic is actually interesting to me, lol. (No I've never seen the movie).
Here's Mine: House Millar - BTT
That book sounds really good, especially because I always start crying at the scene in the movie when they decide to play on!! :'(
Hop by my blog (www.universeinwords.blogspot.com)
to read my answer!!
Juli @ Universe in Words
Thanks for stopping by my blog :) That book sounds really interesting. It would be great to know a bit more about such an amazing group of people.
That sounds like a very good story. Like others, the Titanic holds a certain fascination! I think that non-fiction history is trying to be more palatable...there are so many interesting stories that need to be told!
Here is my answer!
This sounds like a great book. I don't know how I missed it but I just requested it from Netgalley! Thanks.
I read a lot of true crime. Not really history but real. LOL I guess it could fall into history. Hmm
I've thought about this one off and on. It's on the long TBR list...
Sounds really good!
Here's my BTT: http://myreadersblock.blogspot.com/2011/08/booking-through-thursday-history.html
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