Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading. Anyone can play along! Just do the following:
•Grab your current read
•Open to a random page
•Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page
•BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)
•Share the title & author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers!

From Mermaid by Carolyn Turgeon
"The mermaid had come to him in the the water, carried him to shore, placed him on the rocks. That shimmer-if anything, it seemed more pronounced, sparkling as the firelight hit it, on his cheeks, his eyelids, his chest."
pg. 23
Your teaser is beautifully descriptive.
My TT: http://www.rundpinne.com/2011/08/teaser-tuesdays-the-girls-of-murder-city.html
Great teaser tuesday. Thanks for visiting mine. =]
This one's been lying on my nook for awhile - I should probably get to it! Great teaser. <3
Thank you for visiting my blog! The cover is beautiful, I am so going to have to check that book out. :)
I have this on my TBR pile now!!
Jess @ The Midnight Bookworm
I enjoyed poking around the site -- some interesting reads.
I have wanted to read this for a while, and this teaser just adds to it! Thanks for sharing.
My TT for this week is here.
This looks interesting.
Great teaser. My teaser is here
Great teaser - mermaids are always so magical. Gives me tingles up my spine!
Sounds like a prettily written book. The cover is gorgeous!
So descriptive! Awesome!
My TT http://alaskanbookcafe.blogspot.com/
A beautiful teaser.
What a wonderful teaser! So beautiful :D
Ooh, I sense romance on the way.
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