Thursday, August 18, 2011

Booking Through Thursday

You’ve just had a long, hard, exhausting day, and all you want to do is curl up with something light, fun, easy, fluffy, distracting, and entertaining.

What book do you pick up?

Anything by Stephen King. As weird as it might seem, his books relax me, envelop me completely in the plot, so that I forget pretty much everything else. If I've had a hard day and I need to unwind, Mr. King is always my first choice.

How about you?

Also, check out my giveaway for Tom Perrotta's upcoming book The Leftovers.


Once Upon a Twilight said...

I dont know about his books relaxing me. lol.

Thanks for stopping by my BTT

Anya Millar said...

Never thought of King as relaxing but I can see it. Interesting...

House Millar - BTT


Anonymous said...

Stephen King is too scary for me.

K @ BaffledBooks said...

It's not strange at all, Mr. King is a master storyteller, although I do think some of his stories ramble on a bit. One of my favorite books by him is Hearts in Atlantis . I think loved it initially because it is the first work of fiction I've read by him that is not a horror. Good Choice!

K @ BaffledBooks said...

By the way, your blog looks awesome! :)

FBT said...

Stephen King making me forget everything outside of the novel - yes, yes, very much yes. Relaxing - no, no, and hell no. Of course, I've only read his horror/thrillers. But I like the way you think...

Kerri said...

Books that allow me to escape the pressures of the real world are my favorite. Great answer.

Ann said...

I haven't read any Stephen King but totally agree - if you can lose yourself in a book then that's definitely a great way to relax!

Josette said...

Wow, Stephen King...good one! I haven't read any of his books for a while but I really want to read Misery.

Anonymous said...

I love Stephen King and I can get lost in his books and stories as well. Of course, one problem with that is I tend to get so lost I loose track of time...:)